Strategic Objectives

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In light of the Department's efforts to enhance its strengths, take chance of the opportunities, eliminate the weaknesses and avoid the threats contained in SWOT analysis of the internal and external environment, and based on the national goals that the Department contributes to their achievement, the royal national initiatives, the national strategies and Jordan vision 2025, the executive development program and Jordan economic growth stimulation plan.

The following strategic objectives have been formulated for the years 2023-2025 to achieve the vision and mission of the Department in line with the tasks entrusted thereto under the Budget Organic Law: -

  1. Contributing to building a stable and sound financial position in the Kingdom.
  2. Enhancing the ROB budget preparation approach and establishing the principles of disclosure, transparency and accountability in the public spending. 
  3. Contributing to the development of the structure of the government apparatus and reforming the regulatory environment.
  4. Contributing to enhancing the application of financial decentralization approach in the governorates.
  5. Upgrading the efficiency of institutional performance.

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