The policies and executive measures

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Contribute to building a sound and stable financial situation in the Kingdom through the following:
  1. Contributing to directing and controlling public spending in accordance with national priorities and the government’s economic work priorities programme.  (2021-2023).
  2. Gradually reducing support to government units.
  3. Maintaining a safe level of the public budget deficit as a percentage of GDP.

Enhancing the results-oriented budget preparation approach and consolidating the principles of disclosure, transparency and accountability in public spending through the following:
  1. Operationalizing the monitoring and evaluation system for the performance of ministries, departments and government units.
  2. Deepening the application of the results-oriented budgeting concept.
  3. Paying more attention to the analytical aspect of public expenditure.
  4. Improving Jordan’s global position in the field of budgetary transparency.

Enhancing the application of the fiscal decentralization approach in the governorates by working on the following:
  1. Reviewing the foundations and criteria for determining the ceilings of governorates’ capital budgets in line with developments related to decentralization-related legislations.
  2. Periodic follow-up of capital spending in the governorates to ensure that it is directed in a way that leads to strengthening the developmental aspect in the governorates and improving services provided to citizens. 

Raising the efficiency of institutional performance to improve the performance of the Department by:
  1. Improvement of services.
  2. Raising the efficiency of human resources.
  3. Improve the internal working environment.
  4. Support a culture of creativity and innovation in the Department. 

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