Curriculum vitae
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Amman - Jordan
Telephone: Office +962 6 5666065
Mobile +962 799076499
Current Job
- Acting Director General, General Budget Department from 18/11/2018.
- September 2013 present
Director General of GBD as of 16/2/2020 and until now
- B.A. In Public Administration (V. Good) from Yarmouk University –Irbid-Jordan-1988
Responsibilities include
- Propose policies and action programs and plans for the implementation of the general policy of the Department and directorates.
- Establish General frameworks and reference for the preparation of operational plans and programs of action to reflect the policies adopted and the adoption of appropriate achievement objectives and review results to ensure conformity with approved plans.
- Supervise the preparation, implementation and monitoring of the General budget law and the law of budgets of governmental units and Man power tables of ministries and departments and governmental units
- Supervise the functions and duties of the departments and units and review all their everyday work to achieve the objectives of the Department.
- Decision maker on substantive matters and administrative and technical supervision to the subordinates, and to assess their performance and skills.
Previous Experience
- Feb 2003 – August 2013:
Director of Studies & Information Directorate \ General Budget Department - Jan 1989 – 2003:
Analyst Researcher
Studies & Research Directorate / General Budget Department
The following list includes examples of the key achievements I contributed on achieving it:
- The head of the team of fiscal decentralization
- Member of the Steering Committee to issue Islamic Sukuk
- The head of the Working Group for the preparation of a system for Monitoring and Evaluation at the General Budget Department
- Participating in Preparing a comprehensive paper annually, which includes the government priorities and policies of the general budget through the medium term
- The head of the team of fiscal decentralization
- Developing a new structure and forms in the budget law supporting gender response budgeting(GRB) and chilled friend budgeting(CFB)
- Completing the new Chart of Account and Budget Classification for the Government of Jordan according to the Governmental Financial Statistics(GFSM 2001) for both budget institutions and government units
- Developing the foundation for “Organizational Classification of the Budget” supporting the application of Result Oriented Budgeting ROB.
- Developing geographical classification for the government of Jordan according to the administrative distributions by law
- Re classified all programs and projects of the budget law and the government Units budgets law according to the functional classification
- Developing manuals and bulletins (the first time ever) to inform relevant public sector officials/employees and the research community on issues related to the budgeting process. Examples on the manuals and bulletins include:
- Budget in Brief
- Citizen budget
- The Budget Analyst Manual
- Public Revenues in Jordan
- Public Expenditures in Jordan
- Budget Cycle Manual
- Producing the annual report for GBD (the first time ever)
- Producing the strategy and executive action plan for GBD
- Work as a local expert with GTZ to complete the following projects:
- Classifying the general budget according to the classification of the government financial statistics manual GFSM 2001
- Preparing the new chart of account and re-classifying of the budget to fit with the concept of Results Oriented Budget.
- Redefining and classifying the public sector, the general government and the central government
- Preparing the chart of accounts of government units (independent public institutions) to consistent with the classification adopted in the law of the general budget to complement the implementation of the concept of Results Oriented Budget on the rest of government units
- Control of obligations
- Analysis of investment spending in Jordan
- Member of steering committee of GBD.
- Aggregate studies about all budgetary operations.
- Coordinator with the international missions (EU, WB, IMF, USAID…).
- Preparing with the others budget law, dimensions, circular, and Manpower tables.
- Representing GBD in taskforces under the Financial Management Reform Project.
- Representing GBD as a team leader for preparing the new Chart of Account and Budget Classification for the Government of Jordan as the foundation for applying result oriented budgeting (ROB).
- Participating in preparing RFP for GFMIS project regarding General Budget, reviewing, and approving it.
- Representing GBD as a team leader and controller for the budget management and project management dimensions of GFMIS project
- Representing GBD with missions from international organizations active in the development & reform efforts in Jordan such as the World Bank & the International Monitory Fund.
- Lecturing and training for GBD staff and external trainees the new concepts in budget management.
- Main member in GBD for result oriented budgeting (ROB) Preparation and Review.
- Team leader of both GBD and MOF team for preparing the new Chart of Account and Budget Classification for the Independent Institutions.
- Team leader of the GBD taskforce for preparing the Classification of current expenditure according to program/activity classification.
Training Courses
- Global Inception workshop/ Increasing Accountability in Financing for Gender Equality Turin, Italy 29 – 31 May 2012
- Public Debt Management/Macroeconomic Part with JICA Tokyo-Japan/Jan 2012
- Study tour to South Africa in the field of evaluation , decentralization , Results Oriented Budgeting and Child Budgeting (2011)
- Study tour to Finland in the field of evaluation , decentralization , Results Oriented Budgeting (2010)
- Public Budgeting and Fiscal Management course /Andrew Young School-Georgia State University(2010)
- Study tour to Germany & Swaziland to study the practical experience in the field of evaluation , decentralization , Results Oriented Budgeting (2009)
- Study tour to Australia to study the practical experience in the field of performance management (with emphasis on Results Oriented Budgets and on Monitoring and Evaluation (2008)
- Achievements criterion and Performance Indicators (2007/Cairo –Egypt
- Regional Capacity Building Seminar on Pay and Grading Reform in Arab Countries(2006/Amman-Jordan)
- Measuring Government Performance Annual Workshop(2006/ Dead Sea - Jordan)
- Income and National Statements (2006/Beirut - Lebanon)
- Financial Management Transparency Workshop (2005/Amman- Jordan)
- Seminar with the French Government (2005 /Amman - Jordan)
- Outlook 2005 (2004/Amman-Jordan)
- Introduction to Internet (2004/Amman-Jordan)
- Administrative skills development program(2004/Amman-Jordan)
- Modern methods for forecasting and budget preparation(2004/Qairo -Egypt)
General Budget Law
Government Units Budgets Law till a fiscal year 2022
General Budget Draft
Government Units Budgets Draft till a fiscal year 2022
Government Ministries, Departments and Units Manpower Bylaw
(Ministries & Departments) -
Government Ministries, Departments and Units Manpower Bylaw
(Government Units)
Latest news
The Financial Order
The Financial Order No. (1) for the Year 2025 issued
09/01/2025 -
Circular issued
The budget Circular No. (15) of the year 2024 issued
10/11/2024 -
Prime Minister instructs
Circular of His Excellency the Prime Minister to prepare the Draft General Budget Law containing the Budgets of government units of the fiscal year 2025
24/07/2024 -
Guide to Quarterly Performance Follow-up and Evaluation Reports
Issuance of the Guide to Quarterly Performance Follow-up and Evaluation Reports 2024
24/04/2024 -
Circular to implement the Budget
The issuance of circular to implement the budget Law for the year 2024