Achievments and Activities
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- Follow-up the adoption of the General Budget Law and the Government Units' Budget Law for the fiscal year 2021. Both laws were published in the Official Gazette on 15/3/2021 issue No. (5705).
- The Royal Decree was issued to approve a (Supplementary Law to the General Budget Law No. (21) for the fiscal year 2021) and published in the Official Gazette on 16/9/2021 Issue No. 5743, which aims to cover the cost of government mitigating and stimulus measures to cope with the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic without resulting in an increase in the fiscal deficit or an in the public debt.
- Preparation of the Draft General Budget Law and the Draft Government Units' Budget Law for the fiscal year 2022.
- Taking into account the Government's Economic Priorities Program (2021-2023) in the preparation of the Draft Budget for 2022, and allocating the necessary financial appropriations to promote the various sectors for the implementation of the program; The aim is to get the national economy back to the path of recovery from the negative effects of the coronavirus pandemic. The Chapter of the National Cyber Security Centre has been created and the necessary financial appropriations allocated to strengthen the cyber security, electronic protection and the fortification of the national technical and technological systems have been established. In addition to introducing the Chapter of the Ministry of Investment and monitoring the necessary financial allocations for investment promotion in the Kingdom.
Second: Preparing the preparation of Draft Manpower Bylaw for Ministries, Departments and Government Units
- Follow up the preparation of the Draft Manpower Bylaw for the year 2021.It has been approved as per Bylaw no. (76) for 2021- Draft Manpower Bylaw for Ministries, Departments and Government Units for the fiscal year 2021, and the Bylaw was and it has been published in the Official Gazette on 19/6/2021 Issue No. (5736).
- Initiate the preparation of the Draft Manpower Bylaw for Ministries, Departments and Government Units for the year 2022, in conjunction with the preparation of the Draft General Budget Law and Draft Government Units’ Budgets Law for 2022.
Third: Implementing the General Budget Law and the Government Units’ Budgets Law
Follow up the implementation of the General Budget Law and the Government Units’ Budgets Law through applying the provisions of both laws, issue the public and special financial orders, financial transfers, virements, financial commitment vouchers, and transfer of custody, and follow up and study the financial positions. In addition to preparing the implementation circular of the General Budget Law and the Government Units' Budgets Law for the fiscal year 2021,which aims to ensure the implementation of the two laws in order to achieve national goals and priorities, strengthen the governance and transparency of the control procedures of public finance and reduce any abuses or irregularities that may result from the implementation of the public budget, and strengthen the proactive approach in preventing the occurrence of abuses.
Fourth: Preparing quarterly reports on the Public Finance Performance Assessment.
The General Budget Department prepared quarterly reports on the General Finance performance during 2021, including the assessment of the General Finance Performance during 2021 compared to 2020.
Fifth: Answer the recommendations of the Financial Committee in the Lower House and the recommendations of the Financial and Economic Committee in the Upper House
Coordinate with government ministries, departments and units to respond to the recommendations of the Finance Committee of the Lower House and the recommendations of the Finance and Economic Committee of the Upper House on the draft General Budget Law and the Draft Government Units' Budgets Law for the fiscal year 2021 through a matrix prepared for this purpose, and provide both the Lower House and the Upper House with a copy.
Sixth: The most important developments relating to the implementation of modern concepts and methodologies in budget management.
The Royal Decree was issued with the approval of the Public Budget Regulation and Government Units’ Budgets No. (13) of 2021, which was published in the Official Gazette on 16/5/2021 Issue No. (5718) to regulate the management of public funds in the Kingdom and to determine the responsibilities and roles of official bodies in this process; to lay the foundations for the preparation, implementation and oversight of the General Budget Law and the Government Units' Budgets Law in a manner that takes into account the macroeconomic framework and promotes financial stability and the efficient delivery of government services in all governorates; To take into account international best practices in the transparency of the general budget, the comprehensive legal coverage of all stages of the preparation, implementation and oversight of the General Budget and the Government Units’ Budgets, and to extend the dissemination of financial statements and reports to all public institutions.
Seventh: Enhancing the rights of Human in the Kingdom
In light of the continuing impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic on the Kingdom, the General Budget Department, was keen in preparing the General Budget Law of 2022, to increase the appropriations of health, social protection and economic affairs programs in order to create a safe social, economic and health environment for citizens. Accordingly, appropriations for the function of "health", "economic affairs" and "social protection" were increased by approximately 176.4, 143.2 and 90.2 million dinars respectively.
Out of Government's belief in preserving the right of education for citizens, “Education” function appropriations have been increased by 498 million dinars. The Government has also included the General Budget Law for the fiscal year 2022 the necessary financial appropriations to empower persons with disabilities, woman and child in society. It also empowers ministries, departments and government units to achieve their objectives by providing better services for citizens and thereby contributing mainly to the promotion of economic, social and political human rights.
Eighth: Gender responsive budgeting and child-friendly budgeting
With regard to the gender-responsive budgeting and child-friendly budgeting, and continuing the activities and actions undertaken by the General Budget Department over the past years in cooperation with the relevant agencies to deepen the application of the gender-responsive budgeting approach and the child-friendly budget, the Department worked to promote the integration of the gender concept into the budget in cooperation with its partners in this area, such as the Jordanian National Commission for Women and UN Women, through the establishment of several activities to contribute to capacity-building and the promotion of knowledge about gender-responsive budgeting. One of the most prominent activities is the holding of several gender-specific (TOT) trainers' training sessions for accrediting them as trainers in the field gender-responsive budgeting.
In addition, the Department's staff were involved in a training course on "Gender statistics" and a specialized training course entitled "Gender and the economy". A committee was also formed from the General Budget Department and the Ministry of Finance/Directorate of GFMIS and the Jordanian National Commission for Women to study the possibility of adding a gender classification of the currently existed classifications in the General Budget in accordance with the Chart of accounts.
In addition, circular No. 16 of 2021 was included to prepare the Draft General Budget Law and the Draft Government Units' Budgets Law for the Fiscal Year 2022, requesting ministries, departments and government units to take into account the Gender (Male/Female) and Child. When identifying performance indicators associated with their strategic plans (gender sensitive) and reflecting them on the strategy and/or related programs and projects, in order to ensure that ministries, departments and government units integrate the concept of gender into their budgets.
Ninth: Follow-up the international cooperation requirements
- Reception of a delegation from the Republic of Nigeria chaired by His Excellency the Nigerian Ambassador to Jordan in the General Budget Department. The Department informed the delegation of the mechanism for the preparation, implementation and oversight of Jordan's General Budget and all related issues.
- Following up the requirements of achieving the programs of international reform institutions to support the general budget. In 2021, several financial and technical support programs were followed up by the Gulf Cooperation Council, the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, the World Bank, the American Government, the European Union, the Italian Government and other international bodies.
Tenth: Enhancing Transparency Principle in the General Budget affairs
- Participate in the Open Budget Index (OBI) questionnaire for 2021 conducted by the International Budget Partnership (IBP) in Washington by reviewing and making observations on the evaluation's preliminary findings, the aim of the questionnaire is to examine and evaluate the transparency of budget and participatory and oversight on budget in the countries of the world, it focuses mainly on key budgetary documents that should be made available to the public in accordance with international best practices. It’s worth mentioning that according to the results of the most recent survey held in 2019, Jordan has maintained the first place at the level of Middle East and North Africa region. It was ranked 31st out of 117 countries participating in the survey and received a result of 61 out of 100 in the budgetary transparency standard.
- Issuance of the document "Citizen's Guide to the General Budget for the Fiscal Year 2021" with the aim of strengthening communication channels and ensuring mutual trust between citizens and the government, and promoting informed participation in public budgetary matters. The document reflects the Department's commitment to enhancing transparency about the size and structure of State’s revenues and expenditures in addition to strengthening the communication frameworks between the Department on the one hand and the Jordanian citizen on the other hand and enabling it to access as much information and data as possible on the budget as would enable it to identify the amount of financial allocations to the economic sectors and public services that directly affect the daily life of the citizen, in order to achieve the citizen's full understanding of the sources of public funds and the aspects of their expenditure.
- In order to make the preparation of the State's general budget more transparent, the Draft General Budget Law and the Draft Government Units Budget Law for the fiscal year 2022 have been published on the Department's website so that everyone can review them and make observations about them.
- In order to meet the human right to knowledge and in conformity with the Right to Information Law No. 47 of 2007, the Department provided direct services to researchers, academics and journalists and assisted them in obtaining the data and information available to the Department.
Eleventh: Preparation of the Annual Report
Preparation of the sixteenth annual report for 2020. The report presents the development role of the General Budget and an overview of the strategy of the General Budget Department and its role in the management of the State's General Budget and the services provided by the Department. This report also informed the public about the achievements of the General Budget Department during 2020 and the Department's future aspirations for the coming years.
Twelfth: Translation of the General Budget Law and the Government Units’ Budgets Law
Translation of the General Budget Law and the Government Units' Budget Law for Fiscal Year 2021 into English and their publication on the Department's website, and initiation of work on the translation of the Draft General Budget Law and the Draft Government Budgets Law for Fiscal Year 2022, in order to ensure that the foreign partners of the General Budget Department are informed of the content of both laws.
Thirteenth: Computerization
- Follow-up and supervise the application of new jobs description and classification of the manpower system of government ministries, departments and units.
- Provide the directorates and units of the Department with any disclosures and schedules relevant to the Department’s work.
- Participate in the preparation of the final account of government units in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance.
- Issuance of reports relevant to the Draft General Budget Law and the Draft Government Units' Budget Law for the purposes of the discussions of the Parliament and the Supreme Administration.
- technically follow up and supervise the entry and issuance of the manpower system data to ministries, departments and government units.
- Continue to provide technical support to the Department’s staff through the maintenance of computers and network accessories and follow-up the provision of technical support to the users of the GFMIS system.
- Contribute to the study of the needs of ministries and government departments for computers and their accessories by participating in the procurement committee for computers in the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship.
- Develop password policies and disseminate them to the staff of the Department and hold workshops to raise awareness of the concepts of knowledge management, security system and confidentiality of information and follow up the implementation of activities included in the knowledge management strategy.
- Follow up the renewal of the Department’s external website hosting contract, Internet service and anti-virus software license with the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship.
- Development of the Department's website.
- Development and monitoring of the Department's solidarity system.
- Follow-up and technical supervision of the introduction and issuance of the General Budget Law and the Government Units' Budgets Law Data in both Arabic and English Languages.
- Follow up and technical supervision of budget execution processes (financial orders, transfers, virements, financial positions).
- Upload budget data on Excel file for GFMIS project purposes.
- Upload Manpower data on Excel file for the purposes of Human Resources system in the Civil Service Bureau.
- Follow-up and development of the questionnaires system.
- Developing systems for issuing and monitoring the expenditure of governorates' budgets.
- Follow up and develop the telephone system.
- Developing and monitoring the system of expenditure of government units.
Fourteenth: Internal Monitoring (financial, administrative and technical)
- Prepare the audit procedures manual and monitoring action plan annually.
- Prepare monthly and annual oversight reports and submit them to His Excellency the Minister of Finance as appropriate.
- Submit the monitoring reports to his excellency the minister of finance and to address performance deviations and to follow up their correction, if any.
- Conduct sudden monitoring visits to all departments of the Directorate of Financial and Administrative Affairs and indicate errors in the event of their existence and the time of correction thereof.
- Prepare the annual Achievement plan and performance measurement indicators for the internal control unit.
Fifteenth: Institutional Capacity Enhancement
- Contribute to the preparation and revision of the annual work plans of the Department’s directorates and units to ensure that they are in line with strategic and operational objectives, in coordination with the relevant organizational units of the Department, including strategic performance indicators, operational performance indicators and potential risks.
- Preparation of reports on the work progress of the strategic plan and annual work plans, including the results of the measurement of performance indicators and the special achievement rates of each directorate/unit in the Department and appropriate recommendations and their circulation to staff.
- Review work methodologies based on experience accumulated in the Department, prepare new releases, circulate them to staff, document them on the computerized system and measure the efficiency and effectiveness of the Department’s operations.
- Preparation of the strategic planning manual for the General Budget Department (including steps to review and develop the strategic plan and the work plans of directorates and units, as well as follow-up and evaluation procedures).
- Implement annual surveys of the Department (measuring employee satisfaction, service recipients, partners and suppliers, evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of working systems, measuring satisfaction of the efficiency of computers and their accessories and evaluate information security and protection policy) in order to investigate their needs, determine their level of satisfaction, strengths and weaknesses, and identify opportunities for improvement to work on them continuously , thereby achieving the requirements and expectations of service recipients, partners and employees.
- Manage and follow up on complaints, observations and queries of service recipients and provide responses to them in coordination with those concerned as quickly as possible through the platform of your government service launched by the Prime Minister in 2018.
- Provide responses to opinion books on the strategic plans of ministries and government departments and measure partners' satisfaction.
- Contribute to the audit of the Department’s administrative management regulation.
Sixteen: Administrative and Financial Affairs
- Follow up and implement the Department’s Budget of 2021
- Follow up and implement the Department’s Manpower Tables of 2021
- Prepare the Department’s Draft Budget
- Prepare the Draft Manpower Bylaw of 2022
- Print and distribute (150) copies of the General Budget Law and the Government Units’ Budgets Law and Manpower Bylaw of the Government Ministries and Departments.
- Adopt a messaging system for all incoming and outgoing correspondence to and from the Department.
- Contributing to the strengthening of the institutional capacities of the Department through the participation of approximately (35) internal and external training courses and workshops during 2021, in order to develop the skills of employees and enhance their abilities to carry out the tasks and duties entrusted to them fully.
General Budget Law
Government Units Budgets Law till a fiscal year 2022
General Budget Draft
Government Units Budgets Draft till a fiscal year 2022
Government Ministries, Departments and Units Manpower Bylaw
(Ministries & Departments) -
Government Ministries, Departments and Units Manpower Bylaw
(Government Units)
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